Where to find ex-gov equipment and law department seized asset sales? Good question, as this stuff can go super cheap and much of the time it is really high-quality gear.
Federal Government surplus, if not reallocated to other agencies and eligible applicants, is sold via public auction, mostly via the government’s own GSA auction site. State surplus is handled by numerous third-party and in-house auction services while seized goods (eg Sheriffs Department or DOJ) are handled by third-party auctioneers.
Further through the article, I’ll outline exactly where to find those public sales.
What kind of things you ask? Anything you could imagine! Perhaps the largest volume of sales comes from vehicles disposed of by police departments, local gov agencies, and federal agencies, along with ex-military vehicles. Although, you can also find regular sales of IT equipment, furniture, industrial, machinery, trucks, medical, and much more.
As for seized goods, being proceeds of crime or IRS/DOJ/Sheriff seized goods, items can be anything from luxury goods to aircraft along with the rare and unusual.
You can keep an eye on our dedicated gov sale categories for any auction highlights we find here
For more info on where to locate and search for specific sales or find a sale in your area, keep reading.
Federal Surplus – GSA Auctions & GovSales
Each year the federal government sells billions of dollars of surplus, seized, forfeited, and exchange/sale assets. GovSales is a centralized, citizen-centered website created to make it easy for people and businesses to locate government assets for sale. It also enhances the visibility of those assets.
Soon, GovSales.gov will transition to the USA.GOV site and it will become the main portal for all US Government property sales and disposal.
GSA Auctions
GSA Auctions are run by the General Services Administration (GSA) of the US Federal Government and offer online auctions open to the general public featuring a wide array of Federal assets. GSA Auctions offers Federal personal property assets ranging from commonplace items (such as office equipment and furniture) to more select products like scientific equipment, heavy machinery, airplanes, vessels, and vehicles.
Government Sales of Seized Property/Assets
Several government agencies sell items to the public through both live and online auctions. These auctions, especially online ones, let you purchase government-owned assets across the country and U.S.-owned territories. Agencies sell many types of items such as vehicles, computers, and real estate.
Government agencies have these items for sale for several reasons. Some law enforcement agencies sell the seized or forfeited property of criminals. Other agencies sell items that were forfeited because of the nonpayment of federal income taxes.
U.S. Treasury Auctions of Forfeited Property and Assets
DOJ Seized Assets
The Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program handles goods seized as proceeds of crime or for other reasons. These assets are taken care of by the U.S. Marshals Service manages and sells assets seized and forfeited by DOJ. Types of items can include real estate, commercial businesses, cash, financial instruments, vehicles, jewelry, art, antiques, collectibles, vessels, and aircraft.
Find sales of Seized Property and Assets
- National Sellers List – This is a list of contract service providers and federal agencies who have been authorized to sell the forfeited property for the U.S. Marshals Service.
- Current asset sales – current items for sale by the U.S. Marshals Service
State Surplus Auctions
State and local governments also sell surplus property. While many still hold traditional onsite or in-room auctions, most public auctions today happen online via a variety of third-party auctioneer websites inc.
- GovSales.gov, the major publicly run website operated by the General Services Administration. They host online auctions and list sales of gov equipment taking place at third party auctioneers.
- Property Room, a company which specializes in confiscated items kept in police custody
- GovDeals, a company providing services to government agencies allowing them to sell surplus assets via the Internet.
- US Gov Bid, a private company handling auctions for local county and cities across the US
- Municibid, a Philadelphia-based company that has contracts with organizations like the Philadelphia International Airport and the state of New Jersey.
- GovPlanet, another private company providing a place for state, local, federal & military agencies, to sell equipment.
States also have surplus stores and some even have their own online auction sites. Here’s a table of where to find info on state surplus sales for each US state plus links to their chosen public auctioneers. Note: this doesn’t include municipalities that will use their own local auction services.
Federal Land
Lands identified as excess to the public’s or government’s needs sometimes become available for sale. The land is first offered to other federal agencies and states and then becomes open for sale to the general public.
How to Buy Federal Land
The federal government has two major categories of property that it makes available for sale:
- Real property – Primarily, this consists of developed land with buildings, usually acquired by the federal government for a specific purpose, such as a military base or office building. This also includes some U.S. Forest Service properties, which usually consist of administrative sites and facilities. The General Services Administration (GSA) is the federal agency responsible for selling developed surplus property. If you’re interested in purchasing real property, contact the GSA’s Office of Real Property Utilization and Disposal.
- Public land – This is undeveloped land with no improvements, usually part of the original public domain established during the western expansion of the United States. The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has responsibility over this land. To purchase public land, contact the BLM state office with jurisdiction over the area you’re interested in.
Other Real Estate sales take place through
- Fannie Mae
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- HomeSales.gov
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Military and Defense Public Sales
To find ex-US military gear head to The DLA Disposition Services Sales office which manages the sale of surplus Department of Defense (DoD) property that can be sold to the general public. E-Sales is the electronic system that offers the general public the opportunity to bid electronically on a wide array of federal assets, including Surplus, Personal Property, Hazardous Material (HM), DEMIL As Condition of Sale (DOCS). To check out public sales of rolling stock and non-rolling stock/surplus see here. Also, check GovPlanet.com