Huisman Auctions Farm Equipment Auction – Galt, CA
Huisman Auctions, Inc. will conduct an April Stay-In-Place auction where individuals can sell farm equipment that is currently not in use. This auction provides sellers with an opportunity to connect with serious buyers for favorable prices while allowing the equipment to remain in its current location.
Auction Process Overview
The process consists of four main steps:
- Consign Your Equipment: Sellers should contact Huisman Auctions to list their tractors, loaders, implements, or other equipment. Huisman Auctions manages the marketing, listing, and auction setup.
- Marketing to Buyers: The auction house promotes items to a wide audience through online platforms and social media.
- Bidding Process: Bidders can participate from anywhere using an online auction platform, ensuring competitive bidding.
- Payment and Pickup: Once the auction concludes, Huisman Auctions facilitates payment collection, and the winning buyer picks up the equipment.
Recent auction highlights included a FORD A64 4WD Loader with a Hay Squeeze Attachment that sold for $23,050, demonstrating the competitive nature of bidding.
Auction Details
Interested consignors should contact Huisman Auctions as soon as possible to place their equipment for sale before the April 11, 2025 deadline.
Location: Galt, CA
For more information, visit the Huisman Auctions website: Huisman Auctions