Jaguar and Collectibles Auction by AAA Auction Service in New Haven
The upcoming online auction hosted by AAA Auction Service, LLC will feature a variety of items including a Jaguar vehicle, boat and trailer, Sterling products, strategy board games, Wedgewood china, vinyl records, Nascar memorabilia, military electronics, Longaberger items, books, fountain pens, DVDs, framed art, sports cards, and numerous other collectibles.
Auction Lots
Featured items include:
Jaguar Vehicle, Boat and Trailer, Sterling, Strategy Board Games, Wedgewood China, Vinyl Records, Nascar, Military Electronics, Longaberger, Books, Fountain Pens, DVDs, Framed Art, Sports Cards, Hat Pins, Civil War Books, DJ Equipment, Tools, and more.
Auction Details
Preview: March 18, 2025, every Tuesday from 9 AM to 5 PM at 2110 McConnell Drive, New Haven, IN.
Online Auction: March 19, 2025, starting at 6:30 PM, ending the first lot in a soft close.
Pickup: March 20, 2025, from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM at 2110 McConnell Drive, New Haven, IN. Please use the scheduler to set a pickup time.
Shipping is available. Please read the auction details for terms and conditions.
For more information, visit: aaaauctionservice.com